A Dream in Gold!
The official 2025 gold coins of the federal Republic of Germany made of Au 999,9 fine gold continue the ‘Return of the wild animals’, ‘German craftsmanship’ and ‘Masterpieces of German literature’ series with the ‘Lynx’, ‘Health’ and ‘Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing’ motifs.
20 Euro Gold Coin „Lynx“
The Eurasian lynx lives in large forest areas and was once widespread in Western Europe. Human persecution in particular has almost completely decimated the populations. Individual specimens are appearing again today in a few German low mountain ranges. The coin motif vividly and richly showcases the largest cat in Europe seemingly pausing in midmovement: with piercing eyes, clearly visible muzzle and cheek whiskers, the typical brush eared features and the striking strong legs with large paws.
Motif: Lynx
Series: Return of the wild animals
Artist: Natalie Tekampe, Egenhofen
Issue date: 16/06/2025
Mint: Berlin (A), Munich (D), Stuttgart (F), Karlsruhe (G), Hamburg (J)
Weight: 3.89 g
Coin Diameter: 17.50 mm
Material: Fine gold (Au 999.9)
Denomination: 20 Euro
Coin Edge: Serrated
Mint Quality: Brilliant uncirculated
Circulation: max. 85.200 units
50 Euro Gold Coin „Health“
Five different crafts – ophthalmic optics, hearing acoustics, orthopaedic and orthopaedic shoe technology and dental technology – are directly involved in the healthcare sector in Germany. They help remedy the consequences of many acute and chronic illnesses and enable people to lead a selfdetermined life. The coin depicts an impressively vital composition where the optical measuring device and the patient merge into a single unit, thus representative of the health care craftsmanship.
Motif: Health
Series: German craftsmanship
Artist: Grazyna Jolanta Lindau, Berne (CH)
Issue date: 11/08/2025
Mint: Berlin (A), Munich (D), Stuttgart (F), Karlsruhe (G), Hamburg (J)
Weight: 7.78 g
Coin Diameter: 22.00 mm
Material: Fine gold (Au 999.9)
Denomination: 50 Euro
Coin Edge: Serrated
Mint Quality: Brilliant uncirculated
Circulation: max. 55.000 units
100 Euro Gold Coin „Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing“
Joseph von Eichendorff’s novella “Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing”, first published in 1826, is considered the high point of literary Romanticism, but also its swan song: a plea for an attitude to life based on love and not on an ethic of achievement. The deliberately reduced composition of the coin motif makes the novella’s suspenseful storyline intuitively recognisable. The extremes between which the musical protagonist moves are ingeniously staged: on the left, the dry customs office with pen, paper and abacus; on the right, the lyrical forest, female figure and floral decorations.
Motif: Memoirs of a good-for-nothing
Series: Masterpieces of German literature
Artist: Bastian Prillwitz, Berlin
Issue date: 06/10/2025
Mint: Berlin (A), Munich (D), Stuttgart (F), Karlsruhe (G), Hamburg (J)
Weight: 15.55 g
Coin Diameter: 28.00 mm
Material: fine gold (Au 999.9)
Denomination: 100 Euro
Coin Edge: Serrated
Mint Quality: Brilliant uncirculated
Circulation: max. 66.000 units
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