Highlights of the new releases and latest news from the Coiniverse member mints

Literature in its various forms gives so many great themes that can be honored in coin art. See some beautiful new creations from our member mints.

Monnaie de Paris pays tribute to the characters of the most emblematic figures of the French comic strip, Asterix. The face of this coin is adorned with an engraving of Asterix in profile, appearing in a hammered background reminiscent of ancient Gallic coins or the Roman sesterce.

This gold coin is a part of the series honouring the irreducible Gauls, comic book series created by the writer René Goscinny and the illustrator Albert Uderzo.

The Münze Deutschland's coin "Rumpelstiltskin" shows the three main elements of the fairy tale: the miller's daughter, Rumpelstiltskin and the cradle of the miller's daughter's first-born child. The thread looped over Rumpelstiltskin's finger symbolizes the course of the action. The design comes from the artist Katrin Pannicke from Halle/Saale.

"Rumpelstiltskin" belongs to a 20-euro collector coin series "200 years of Grimm's Fairy Tales".

On the occasion of the celebration of the 5th centenary of the death of Antonio de Nebrija, the Fábrica Nacional de moneda y Timbre (Spanish mint) has issued a commemorative coin in honour of this philosopher and humanist, creator of the Gramática Castellana (Spanish grammar).

The reverse of the coin features an image of the statue of Antonio de Nebrija in the Sevillian town of Lebrija. Above the image, in a circular shape and in capital letters, is the legend V CENTENARIO DE ANTONIO DE NEBRIJA, and on the back is an allegory of the alphabet of the Spanish language.

With this coin VeraValor wants to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the birth of this major figure of French theatre and culture.

Molière, whose real name was Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, marked France with his theatre plays in which he portrayed society and the human condition "from life" through his characters, who were at times greedy, hypocritical, flippant but also benevolent.

Thanks to the accuracy of his writing and his satires, which are still very relevant today, he is now one of the most widely performed authors in the world. Molière has thus left his mark on the history of literature to the extent that our language is sometimes referred to as "Molière's language".

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Community voices: Vinícius Oliveira Godoyi


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