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Coin of the day, day 7: Rhino

2020 | Big 5: Rhino

The South African Mint celebrates Africa’s unique natural heritage by embodying the strength and beauty of the Big Five in this new series of legal tender coins.

The coins are issued every 6 months, starting with the Elephant and the Lion in 2019. The Rhino is the third of the ferocious 5 to be featured in this first series. Rhinoceroses are easily recognised by their prehistoric features such as armour-like bodies and the horns on their foreheads.

Rhinos, unfortunately, face a dire threat from poaching and rank among the most endangered species on earth. Their horns are made up of the highly sought after keratin, which is used for its supposed medicinal purposes.

The “Big Five” term originated when big game hunters visited the shores of Africa to shoot for trophies, and locals warned them about the five most dangerous animals in Africa: the Elephant, Lion, Leopard, Rhino, and Buffalo.

Artist: J.A. Geldenhuys
Designer: R.C. Stone
Engraver: P. Botes

  • Type: Commemorative Issue (Non-circulating)

  • Material: Silver

  • Fineness: 0.999

  • Weight: 31.107 g

  • Diameter: 38.725 mm

  • Shape: round

  • Alignment: Medal

  • Mint: South African Mint (SA Mint)

You can find dealers for South African Mint’s coins here: Authorised Dealers - The South African Mint Company (

Source: South African Mint

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